Tuesday 28 May 2013

End of Module Self evalaution

End of Module Evaluation by chvanniekerk

Statement of intent

Statement of Intent by chvanniekerk

Module submission form

Submission Form by chvanniekerk

Submission boards Brief 8 Design Context (The Archive)

Design Context Boards by chvanniekerk

Submission Boards Brief 7 Max Physick

For a brief I only spend 2 days of I was really happy with the end result. It feels like a brand that can be expanded on way further then just business cards and a letter head. It feels like it has hit the high end commercial tone for max's needs and I wouldn't be embarrassed handing these out. The colour scheme catches my attention and the type is clear and informative. Good quick freelance brief.

Submission boards Brief 6 Alex Dodgson

This brief has been a good project to undertake in my 3rd year. I was dealing with a client who had an incredible eye for detail and always getting on my back and keeping him happy has showed me that I can deal with clients and produce good work under pressure. I feel that the logo is potentailly the only thing I am not fully happy with and If I had more time I would like to design alex a minimal brand to then expand into an exhibition instead of the other way around. I have also learnt some valuable skills dealing with commercial printers and know roughly how much things cost and how long it takes. Overall I was happy with this brief but felt it could of potentially looked a bit better if I didn't relay on having to call back to the client as much as I had to.

Submission boards Brief 5 UK greetings

Initially I was really happy with the result of this brief but now looking back at the end of 3rd year I feel that I could of done much better. I loved experimenting with augmented reality but i feel this brief was not the right one for me or my portfolio. I am not a commercial greeting card designer but I am good at working with augmented software in collaboration with Dan. I also learnt value bill skills needed to produce a functioning app and ipad app.