Wednesday 1 May 2013

Alex Dodgeson Written up Brief.

Sorry I have only got round to posting this up now...


Produce an Exhibition / Portfolio book for final year fine art Student Alex Dodgeson.


Alex's work is all instalment pieces or canvas artwork. All of his work have the common factor of paint and experimentation with either canvas or people. He records his work through video and photography.

All the imagery used within Alex's publication has been taken by himself or has been directed by him. Note - none of my own imagery will be used its all his.

Mandatory Requirements:

Produce a book covering work alex has produced across the 3 years he has been on the course. The Client has decided that the book will be called paint and anything I produce around that is up to me but the core concept is dealing with raw paint materials.

Budget £150
At least 10 - 20 books to be made

between 10 - 15, 80 Page perfect bound books. printed to a professional standard.


Produce exhibition posters and invites to go along with alex's publication.

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