Thursday 2 May 2013

Progress Surgery with Amber

The progress surgery with Amber was really helpfull it help me establish where I am up to and kind of what I need to focus on. One key point I take away from it was that I should finish my context brief and not dwell on it longer then I should as it's not a main brief.

Projects I will complete:

Large Briefs

  • UK Greetings (Done)
  • Jake Coleman  (Branding) - Photographing this weekend
  • Alex Dodgeson (Editorial & Promotion) - Send to print next week 
  • Graphic Notebooks (Editorial & Retail) - in progress collaboration
  • Fashion Yearbook (Fashion & Editorial) - Poster signed off and pdf in progress
Small Briefs
  • Max physick personal trainer
Design Context
  • The Archive (in progress)
Additional to Extend
  • Cheap Thrills
End of Year show:

Initially I wanted to just have an Imac with my portfolio but looking back at my projects and I would prefer something visual so I am going to look into all the vinyl covers I had screen printed last term and extend on that to produce up to 9 vinyls I could frame and use for my exhibition with an imac. 

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