Thursday 23 May 2013

Yearbook PDF fail

After meeting with Amber last week it turns out that the fashion degree program has decided that they would like to make their own poster. instead of using the designs we worked on very hard. This is fine. but it also means that I have wasted an unreasonable amount of time working on the poster and pdf.

I decided to take some initiative and photograph the content by myself. I printed a cover mock up and got simon cherry to help on some of the inside spreads. I stripped out an old yearbook and rebound my cover design and simons inside spreads. I also got sarah to Print out the posters at A2 scale in order to get the project to fit together.

The previous photos you have just seen are the result of my photography, clever lighting and crafting. As a whole it looks incredibly convincing. It just to an extent upset me to see what the fashion degree program could of had... lets hope the designs they make themselves are up to standard as I feel what we made is at a high standard and fits into what Suzie mason (Fashion degree program leader) would call 'FASHION'.

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