I had the idea to go ahead and sample some of the track waveforms from cheap thrills new releases. To emphasise the the whole thrills concept through showing the beat levels on the sound waves after my initial testing didnt go so well by dragging the songs into photosop as a RAW format. I only had access to fairly low res images on the web but after running it through various settings on the adobe suite I ended up with a clean vector image which I could rescale and use as artwork.
Jpeg sampled from the Web.
Dragged into photoshop.
Selected area I wanted to work with
Turned the tollerance up to just the right setting.
Too much tollarance gave a break in the middle of the waveform and started to break down the artwork so there was a happy medium to how far I could push it.
I was then left with this black fairl clean piece of artwork.
Then place into Illustrator as either a Jpeg or PNG file
Illustrators live trace options give u a lot of freedom to convert the now much more black image into a vector based artwork. It took some playing around with the settings but eventually you will get left with a high res. fairly clean vector image waveform. then export as their a pdf or high res jpeg OR as just a vector so I have the freedom of changing its colour.
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